A credit bureau is a company that collects credit information from credit grantors. The credit bureau compiles and processes these factual information and provides the full report to its members under authorised consent. Consumers or Corporates can also obtain credit report of themselves from the credit bureau. Credit Bureaus are establishments in most countries and are key to helping in the development of the economy of the country.

For Consumer
  • Individuals with good credit history will be able to receive loans more quickly
  • Promoting Financial Literacy and Awareness for better financial management to grow and protect one’s wealth
  • Expect faster and more competitive services from the credit providers
  • Convenient integrated access to credit information
For Financial Institution
  • Streamline access to credit applicant’s complete credit information contributed by all MMCB Members
  • Ability to make better & faster loan decisions more objectively and strengthen risk assessment
  • Save resources and time with more efficient credit approval operations
  • Obtain industry benchmark and data trends
For Economy
  • Development of new credit products
  • Create awareness, knowledge and deepen sound credit culture in the society
  • Stimulate economic growth in an emerging economy
  • Help small businesses to grow and further their contribution towards the Myanmar economy

Yes. You can obtain your credit report from the MMCB office at #09-14, Sule Square, 221 Sule Pagoda Road, Yangon on weekdays between 9 am and 5 pm.

No. The credit bureau cannot provide an individual’s credit report to a third party. An individual needs to prove his/her identity personally by submitting a valid ID such as NRC for Myanmar Citizens, FRC and passport for foreigner to get their own credit report.

You have the right to submit a request to check/amend credit information with the MMCB customer service. The company will conduct an investigation with the financial institution that sent the information and notify you of the outcome.

Financial institutions that are members of the credit bureau can obtain credit reports of customers applying for credit facilities. When applying for a loan, a financial institution will require you to provide consent for credit bureau to disclose the information. The Financial Institution can also obtain credit reports of their existing customers, or if the individual is a guarantor of the credit facility.

There is no deposit account information or information about your personal property or assets in the credit report.

If the address is incorrect, the consumer will be requested to complete the dispute resolution form in order to validate his/ her identity.  MMCB will verify the information with the data provider and carry out the amendment, if any, according to the instruction given by the data provider


The bank or financial institution you’re applying for decides if the loan you apply will be approved. The lenders may use your Credit Report as a tool to assess your credit worthiness to decide if a loan should be granted. MMCB does not play a part in the lender’s lending decision.

Consumer Information
  • Personal Information
  • Contact Details
  • Employment Details
  • Credit Details (e.g. Name of Lenders, Loan Amount, Payment Status, Next Payment Date, etc)
  • Collateral Details (e.g. Collateral Address, Collateral Market Value, etc)
Commercial Information
  • Organization Demographics
  • Contact Details
  • Credit Details (e.g. Name of Lenders, Loan Amount, Payment Status, Next Payment Date, etc)
  • Collateral Details (e.g. Collateral Address, Collateral Market Value, etc)
  • Interested Party Details

Myanmar Credit Bureau gets its information mainly from the members.

Myanmar Credit Bureau’s security measures are aligned with the IT risk management standards and are subjected to regular IT audits.

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